Have compelling video content you want to leverage in addition to static or animated Ads? Our programmatic video solution allows advertisers to reach the ideal audience on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices on many of the same websites that access static advertising.

And the best part is you can layer video onto our other programmatic solutions you’re leveraging including:

• Site Retargeting
• Search Retargeting
• Geo Fencing
• Addressable Geofencing
• Keyword Contextual Targeting
• CRM Retargeting

Programmatic Video Options

Pre-roll Video Ads: These video ads appear immediately before free video content on publishers like CNN.com, Forbes, ABC Family, MLB.com, Local News Sites, and others.

Mid-roll Video Ads: These ads appear within the content of longer videos, such as complete television episodes.

Post-roll Video Ads: These ads appear at the end of a video.

Non-skippable Ads: These non-skippable ads are 15 seconds, ensuring that prospects complete the video before continuing to their free content.

Our Advantages

Premium Inventory: Availability of programmatic video inventory is less than display inventory, accounting for only about 1% of all programmatic inventory. We work to ensure your videos are seen by prospects on premium publishers and top mobile apps.

Ad Placement: Video ads often appear center page and above the fold for the best viewability among programmatic advertising.

Let's Get Started!

Schedule an appointment today so we can discuss how we can accomplish your marketing goals